Memorial Day has always been a fun day for our family. It's one of those lost traditions where not a lot of people actually drive hours to go visit cemeteries. Well this year, my moms side the Neilsons, decided to get together and visit my grandpa who isn't doing real well. We met at his house to see him and then drove to Parker, ID to visit my Grandmas and others graves. Parker cemetery is always cold and windy, no matter what the weather is every where else, so I called it I knew it was going to rain, but luckily it cleared up. It doesn't take a lot to entertain our family....a little picnic at the cemetery or reading campfire stories in the hotel, and just playing with each other outside. It was a fun weekend. The Neislon side is a big family. My grandparents had 7 of 8 living kids with 43 grandkids. 43 is lot of cousins to play with.
Roasted Carrots with Feta
1 day ago