Emma turned One month old on the 17th. She is such a little doll. I just love having a little baby in the house. She brings such a peaceful feeling into our home. (Yes, even all hours of the night). Emma really is a good baby. She doesn't cry a whole lot and she loves, loves, LOVES to be snuggled. Emma also enjoys taking showers with either mom or dad. She has only had a few baths because, for the most part, we wait until she has a blow out and then in the shower she goes. I think she likes having the water splash all over her, and then loves to be snuggled in a warm blanket from the dryer.
Poor little scratch. I have to keep her hands covered. That is her first little scratch.
Emma met her cousin Cody for the first time. Cody started to smile and then play with the back of her head. I don't think she liked having her hair grabbed :)....it's ok Cody. We still love you.
This picture is of Landon. You can see where Emma got her dark hair, skin, hair line and long tongue from. Landon has always kept his tongue out like that, he still does it when he is in deep concentration. Emma already keeps her tongue out like that. She is only 2.5 weeks in that picture she seems older.
Emma has been a little smiler. You can't tell me it is just gas, I don't buy that. She really is a happy baby and has smiled from the beginning. Everyday she smiles more and more.
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