
Wake Boarding

Landon didn't want to spend every Saturday morning studying, so we would wake up at about 6 am so that we could hit some good water.

Here is father Scott sporting off his Jack Sparrow Hat. He was so nice to take us boating all Summer.

Mother Theresa also enjoyed coming to get some wind through her hair. She would bring along the blankets and treats.

This is Landon.

Alec was pretty good at jumping the wakes
Laura is getting good as well.
These pictures are embarrassing. Don't think I saved the best for last, because I didn't. It was horrible. Landon had to get into the water with me to help. You can see how awkward my body looks as I try to keep my body up. I am going to stick with the tube and ski's. (No pics of skiing, but I can do that no problem).

1 comment:

Full Suburban said...

Jack Sparrow hat? Mother Theresa? Funny!!